During the past week we have varnished and varnished and varnished. I believe we have 2 gallons of varnish applied to the boat. This includes the rub rails, the toe rails, the cockpit, the galley, and the aft berth. All of this was well deserved and much needed maintenance. It always looks so nice when it is complete, but getting there takes a lot of stand paper, acetone and towels. I'll up load pictures later.
We are expecting our fuel pump tomorrow, Tuesday. This gives us hope in getting to the Bahamas before they shut the doors due to Coronoavirus. Currently everything is shutting down. All events of 50 people or more are cancelled, restaurants, bars, concerts. You name it, it's called off until further notice. Also the toilet paper seems to be all purchased up for some reason. Noone can explain that.
Now are are looking for a weather window to get across the gulf stream.