Mainly just a spot to stop and spend the night before you move on. Walked the park and tried out our new 15 hp engine. That dinghy gets up and goes now. Today is a rough day, tomorrow we will try to head out to the Exumas. Not much left here in Providence Island to do. Nassau is really only a bus stop for the cruisers headed to the Exumas and beyond.
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Friday, January 24, 2014's everything you would expect
Most expensive store we have found. A Whole Foodish store. The other Super Value Store we made it to, we had to walk the green mile again. We have been spending time with some of the people we followed across the Gulf. That is nice, but it's time to spread our wings and learn to fly on our own. The herding thing is nice, but one really has to let go of the ropes and do it on your own.
Our herding group has a project manager, who talks a lot, I mean a lot. But most of it is worth something. We have a weather guy, kinda the worker type and errors on the side of caution. That is nice. I believe they call us the Mr. Calm and The Panic Button. We really don't have to do much. Just wait to hear the orders and push onward.
Our herding group has a project manager, who talks a lot, I mean a lot. But most of it is worth something. We have a weather guy, kinda the worker type and errors on the side of caution. That is nice. I believe they call us the Mr. Calm and The Panic Button. We really don't have to do much. Just wait to hear the orders and push onward.
The Great Banks
It's weird parking in the middle of the banks. Not a bit of land in sight. Water is at most 20 feet deep. Watch out for coral reefs.
The Great Banks
It's weird parking in the middle of the banks. Not a bit of land in sight. Water is at most 20 feet deep. Watch out for coral reefs.
The Great Banks
The Great Banks
Pictures of the trip from Bimini
Here are some of our friends we met. Just so I remember their names. Rork and Sherry, on Island Pearl; Jonathan and Monica, on Journey;
Jaral our friend we met on the island, he thinks I have problems. Actually at this point, I think all our new friends do.
Jaral our friend we met on the island, he thinks I have problems. Actually at this point, I think all our new friends do.
Pictures of the trip from Bimini
Here are some of our friends we met. Just so I remember their names. Rork and Sherry, on Island Pearl; Jonathan and Monica, on Journey;
Jaral our friend we met on the island, he thinks I have problems. Actually at this point, I think all our new friends do.
Jaral our friend we met on the island, he thinks I have problems. Actually at this point, I think all our new friends do.
Marathon to Bimini to Nassau to West Bay
We left Marathon and what a relief it is. That place has too many people that just live there on their boat. The place certainly has all the amenities one needs, but it is much like a dorm room, only with adults. The people chatter and chatter. One person says something and it spreads like a disease.
Around 2pm we headed out of the Marathon toward North Bimini. The trip was supposed to take 20 - 24 hour, it took 21. We motored out across the wall into the deeper water of about 100 feet. After about 3 hours of that, we sailed for the next 18 hours. Across the gulf stream. The water heated up to around 84 degrees near the middle of the stream and then back down to 77 as ground started coming up again. The gulf stream is around 2800 feet deep on the average. That's deep. Our depth sounder does not go that deep. It just blinks the last number it sees. Sometimes in the middle of the gulf it will blink 34 feet, I guess it found a fish.
We traveled with 10 other boats across and we all made it to Bimini the next morning. Checked in with the authorities and then walked the island. Actually we rented a golf cart and drove. That took all of 1 hour. 7 miles long, 3 blocks wide.
We spent the next few days there waiting for weather to cross the next hop to Nassau. This included 1 night at an anchorage on the great bahama banks. This is where the land is only up to 20 feet deep all the way across to Nassau. Kinda weird to anchor in the middle of nowhere and all you see I water. Saw the sunrise and then on to Nassau.
Nassau is everything you would expect. 3 cruise ships, many people, crime and dirty. The people are not as near friendly either. It is a typical turist stop for the cruise ships. They did have your favorite stores, Gucci, Starbucks, Cartier, United Colors of Benetton, and Fat Tuesday's
Spent 2 night at Nassau Yacht Marina and spent more money that we should have. So we left.
Before we left I tried to fix the leaking diesel tanks. Thought I had it until we started going. Actually had 2 problems. One the caps leaks. Diesel ate right through the glue. Second, somehow the valve was switched to feed the return diesel to a different tank. So one tank was empting rather quickly, while the other tank was overfull. All that extra diesel went to the bildge. about a gallon or so. That is tough to clean and stinks. I can still smell it as i type.
Around 2pm we headed out of the Marathon toward North Bimini. The trip was supposed to take 20 - 24 hour, it took 21. We motored out across the wall into the deeper water of about 100 feet. After about 3 hours of that, we sailed for the next 18 hours. Across the gulf stream. The water heated up to around 84 degrees near the middle of the stream and then back down to 77 as ground started coming up again. The gulf stream is around 2800 feet deep on the average. That's deep. Our depth sounder does not go that deep. It just blinks the last number it sees. Sometimes in the middle of the gulf it will blink 34 feet, I guess it found a fish.
We traveled with 10 other boats across and we all made it to Bimini the next morning. Checked in with the authorities and then walked the island. Actually we rented a golf cart and drove. That took all of 1 hour. 7 miles long, 3 blocks wide.
We spent the next few days there waiting for weather to cross the next hop to Nassau. This included 1 night at an anchorage on the great bahama banks. This is where the land is only up to 20 feet deep all the way across to Nassau. Kinda weird to anchor in the middle of nowhere and all you see I water. Saw the sunrise and then on to Nassau.
Nassau is everything you would expect. 3 cruise ships, many people, crime and dirty. The people are not as near friendly either. It is a typical turist stop for the cruise ships. They did have your favorite stores, Gucci, Starbucks, Cartier, United Colors of Benetton, and Fat Tuesday's
Spent 2 night at Nassau Yacht Marina and spent more money that we should have. So we left.
Before we left I tried to fix the leaking diesel tanks. Thought I had it until we started going. Actually had 2 problems. One the caps leaks. Diesel ate right through the glue. Second, somehow the valve was switched to feed the return diesel to a different tank. So one tank was empting rather quickly, while the other tank was overfull. All that extra diesel went to the bildge. about a gallon or so. That is tough to clean and stinks. I can still smell it as i type.
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Well, Marina is back at it...the saga continues
Nov.29 - Dec.31, 2013
We got "too busy" life lately and did not put any effort in updating our blog for some time....
We spent more than 3 weeks at the anchor in St.Pete Beach and we loved it there every minute! So far, it's our most favorite stop
while traveling from Clear Lake,TX to Florida.
I had my Carpal Tunnel Syndrom surgery done Dec.16 in Tempa and in couple days we got our new main sail done. It's time to move on to Keys...
It was very sad to leave this beatiful old little beach town with miles of the white beaches.
The next stop we had in Venice, Fl. Spent a night there and sailed next day to Charlott Bay - we finally got 4 hours of pure sailing on broad reach!
Tested out our new main sail - great!
From Charlott Bay we took 24 hours sail straight to Key West since weather was getting bad again. In Key West we stayed at ABC Marina for couple days and
waited for our daughters to show up for Christmas vacation. We were surprised to find out that there are no nice beaches in Key West and in Keys in general.
But we spent our time walking a lot around, visiting Hemmingway house filled with sixtowed cats, movie, bars, restaurants,etc.
In couple days we moved down the Keys ancoring at a secluded place, then Bajia Honda state part, and finally made it to Marathon.
The Boot Bay in Marathon was full of the boats (at least 250!) of different kind, ancored or on moorings. So far it was the best setup for boaters at the
City Marina. Restrooms, showers, laundry, community room with working wifi, "boat projects" rooms, dinghy lift, water, etc - everything to support
normal life of the sailors on the way to their destinations. And finally, we made some friends sailors, who planned to get to Bahamas too.
January 18, 2014 -
Day? Who knows...lost track of days we are on our trip. I guess, this is a good thing?
We made it to Bahamas, North Biminy, on Jan.14th. 2014
The crossing of the Golfstream was a team effort. In Marathon, Fl, we met with other boaters with the same sailing plans as ours - make it to
North Biminy, Bahamas. Every day at 9am we had a chance to chat with other boaters in Marathon via VHF sessions and had "Bahama" meetings
periodically. That helped us a lot in preparation of the Golfstream crossing and we made good friends with couple "buddy" sailers. The harderst
part was waiting for the favorable weather for this crossing.
As soon as we came back from our short trip to Austin (trying to fix Kevin tooth), the weather changed in our favors and our buddies were planning
to leave next day! We just had couple hours to prepare for departure to Bahamas: got provision from Publix store, got gasoline for our dinhgy, filled up
water tanks, etc. In such a rush we did not have time to do laundry at the City Marina - we accumulated a lot of dirty clothes after our daughers visited us
for Christmass and New Year celebrations. But oh well, we got to go finally!
We sailed for 22 hours with three "buddy" boats. It was interesting that everybody had chosen about the same pass and while sailing overnight we could see
lights of our friends boats everywhere around us - false feeling of security. Next day, around noon, everybody made it through the dangerous pass to the Browns
Marina in North Bimini.
After clearance with customs we finally could relax, "lick our wounds" and take a nap.
For couple days we got sucked in to close socialazing with our new friends: dinners, lunches, happry hours, fun, helping each other with boat
projects - feels like we are back to college dorms! Feels good!
There are not many attractions on Bimini, except of the beatiful ocean and banks waters of different colors - there are more than five different shades of
aquamarine, and blue, and green. Kevin tried to catch some fish on the first night, but we were so surprised to find out that our catch of the day was a neighbor's
dinghy! Since then we did not have much luck with fishing, however, we saw couple sharks and enourmous tarpon swimming around our boats.
The main food around here are different dishes from conch (I like salad from raw conch - delish), and of course, fish.
But, it's time for us to continue with our trip - tomorrow we are planning to start our couple days trip to Nassau, and yes, we are going
with our "buddy" boats again.
Nov.29 - Dec.31, 2013
We got "too busy" life lately and did not put any effort in updating our blog for some time....
We spent more than 3 weeks at the anchor in St.Pete Beach and we loved it there every minute! So far, it's our most favorite stop
while traveling from Clear Lake,TX to Florida.
I had my Carpal Tunnel Syndrom surgery done Dec.16 in Tempa and in couple days we got our new main sail done. It's time to move on to Keys...
It was very sad to leave this beatiful old little beach town with miles of the white beaches.
The next stop we had in Venice, Fl. Spent a night there and sailed next day to Charlott Bay - we finally got 4 hours of pure sailing on broad reach!
Tested out our new main sail - great!
From Charlott Bay we took 24 hours sail straight to Key West since weather was getting bad again. In Key West we stayed at ABC Marina for couple days and
waited for our daughters to show up for Christmas vacation. We were surprised to find out that there are no nice beaches in Key West and in Keys in general.
But we spent our time walking a lot around, visiting Hemmingway house filled with sixtowed cats, movie, bars, restaurants,etc.
In couple days we moved down the Keys ancoring at a secluded place, then Bajia Honda state part, and finally made it to Marathon.
The Boot Bay in Marathon was full of the boats (at least 250!) of different kind, ancored or on moorings. So far it was the best setup for boaters at the
City Marina. Restrooms, showers, laundry, community room with working wifi, "boat projects" rooms, dinghy lift, water, etc - everything to support
normal life of the sailors on the way to their destinations. And finally, we made some friends sailors, who planned to get to Bahamas too.
January 18, 2014 -
Day? Who knows...lost track of days we are on our trip. I guess, this is a good thing?
We made it to Bahamas, North Biminy, on Jan.14th. 2014
The crossing of the Golfstream was a team effort. In Marathon, Fl, we met with other boaters with the same sailing plans as ours - make it to
North Biminy, Bahamas. Every day at 9am we had a chance to chat with other boaters in Marathon via VHF sessions and had "Bahama" meetings
periodically. That helped us a lot in preparation of the Golfstream crossing and we made good friends with couple "buddy" sailers. The harderst
part was waiting for the favorable weather for this crossing.
As soon as we came back from our short trip to Austin (trying to fix Kevin tooth), the weather changed in our favors and our buddies were planning
to leave next day! We just had couple hours to prepare for departure to Bahamas: got provision from Publix store, got gasoline for our dinhgy, filled up
water tanks, etc. In such a rush we did not have time to do laundry at the City Marina - we accumulated a lot of dirty clothes after our daughers visited us
for Christmass and New Year celebrations. But oh well, we got to go finally!
We sailed for 22 hours with three "buddy" boats. It was interesting that everybody had chosen about the same pass and while sailing overnight we could see
lights of our friends boats everywhere around us - false feeling of security. Next day, around noon, everybody made it through the dangerous pass to the Browns
Marina in North Bimini.
After clearance with customs we finally could relax, "lick our wounds" and take a nap.
For couple days we got sucked in to close socialazing with our new friends: dinners, lunches, happry hours, fun, helping each other with boat
projects - feels like we are back to college dorms! Feels good!
There are not many attractions on Bimini, except of the beatiful ocean and banks waters of different colors - there are more than five different shades of
aquamarine, and blue, and green. Kevin tried to catch some fish on the first night, but we were so surprised to find out that our catch of the day was a neighbor's
dinghy! Since then we did not have much luck with fishing, however, we saw couple sharks and enourmous tarpon swimming around our boats.
The main food around here are different dishes from conch (I like salad from raw conch - delish), and of course, fish.
But, it's time for us to continue with our trip - tomorrow we are planning to start our couple days trip to Nassau, and yes, we are going
with our "buddy" boats again.
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